At the IHOP - EC, we are engaged in a model of spiritual warfare called "Harp & Bowl".

" . . . the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a HARP, and GOLDEN BOWLS full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." (Rev. 5:8)

    The HARP speaks of worshiping God with musical instruments.

    The BOWLS speak of the intercessory prayers of the church.

The combination of worship with intercession and antiphonal singing of the Scriptures is the basic idea in the "Harp & Bowl" model.  We apply the same basic principles in different ways called "Prayer Formats".  (Please see the "Schedule" page for a description of each.)

We currently have five prayer formats that all function in the "Harp & Bowl" model.  Each prayer format is a suggested guideline only and may be deviated from as we discern the Spirit's leading.
International House Of Prayer - East Coast

International House Of Prayer - East Coast

At the IHOP - EC, we are engaged in a model of spiritual warfare called "Harp & Bowl".

" . . . the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a HARP, and GOLDEN BOWLS full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." (Rev. 5:8)

    The HARP speaks of worshiping God with musical instruments.

    The BOWLS speak of the intercessory prayers of the church.

The combination of worship with intercession and antiphonal singing of the Scriptures is the basic idea in the "Harp & Bowl" model.  We apply the same basic principles in different ways called "Prayer Formats".  (Please see the "Schedule" page for a description of each.)

We currently have five prayer formats that all function in the "Harp & Bowl" model.  Each prayer format is a suggested guideline only and may be deviated from as we discern the Spirit's leading.